Puzzle 16: That Extra Push Over the Cliff

I’m back! Did you guys miss me? (Don’t answer that.) I assume you’ve all been so busy solving all the puzzles that Matt sends out in his Daily Crossword Links email that you didn’t even notice that I haven’t published a new puzzle here in *checks calendar* SIX MONTHS???? Wow, that’s embarrassing.

Anyway, here’s a new puzzle. It’s a theme idea I’ve had for a while but never got around to constructing, because of work, kids, the complete collapse of society, etc. Obviously this theme has been done before – so far I’ve found at least a half-dozen puzzles that used it – but I think my themers (or, at least two of them), plus the revealer justify doing the theme again. Also those puzzles were all 5-20 years old, so I figured it was ripe for a reboot.

Hope you enjoy this. New puzzle in two weeks. I (almost) promise.